What To Do if You Hit a Utility Line While Digging in Your Garden

What To Do if You Hit a Utility Line While Digging in Your Garden

Summer is right around the corner and that means getting your garden all ready for planting. You’ve been waiting for the weather in Atascadero, California, to be the perfect temperature and finally, the time is here. But what happens when you hit the utility line while digging in your garden? Coast Line Utility, a line locating service, specializes in this type of utility repair and is always prepared to resolve any issues that may arise. In this blog, we will discuss the steps you should take if you happen to hit your utility line.

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Exposed underground wire and piping

Assess the Situation and Prioritize Safety

Once you realize you’ve hit a utility line, stop all gardening immediately. Evaluate the area for any signs of danger, including gas smells, sparking, or exposed wires. If you notice any immediate hazards, quickly evacuate the area and contact emergency services.

Exposed underground wire

Report the Incident

Once you have ensured your safety, report the incident to the appropriate authorities. Contact your local utility company and inform them about the current situation. You will need to remember the details of the location, type of utility line, and any visible damage. When you act quickly, it allows the utility company to dispatch a crew to assess the situation and make necessary repairs.

Marks on grass where utility lines were placed

Secure the Area and Warn Others

To ensure the safety of others, take the necessary precautions to secure the area and prevent further accidents. If you notice the electrical line was damaged, turn off your home’s main breaker panel, but only if it is safe to do so. Restrict access to the area until the utility company arrives and gives the all-clear. Coast Line Utility recommends asking if you should secure the area before a utility locating service comes. This can reduce any miscommunication and keeps you safe.

Worker fixing damaged utility lines

Cooperate with the Utility Contractor

When the Utility company arrives, it’s important to cooperate with their instructions and provide additional information. They will assess the damage, repair the utility line, and ensure the site is safe.

There can be serious consequences if you hit a utility line while gardening. By following the steps laid out by Coast Line Utility, you can mitigate risks, ensure your safety, and enable prompt repairs to restore utilities swiftly and efficiently. Contact us today for more information about our marking utility lines service.

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